3d effect - Water Base + Plastisol gel

Most of the time, designers create arts that in themselves already have their beautiful visual impact. However, eventually we can add a detail, a differential ... To try to highlight the work in the vast market and also to add value to the piece. This is the thesis.

In practice, starting from this thought, I added some simple balls in this pattern of the band New York of Punk Rock Bubblegum Ramones. I only made two pieces, one for me and the other as a gift for a friend.


3D Effect

-Black 100% cotton yarn 30 combed mesh t-shirt.
-Straight squeegees with 70 shores, for a good definition
-With the screen of the drawing in negative I gave three peaks of water-based white, the screen was a 90-wire screen that obviously is not indicated for facilitating clogging, I used it to simulate a "zero touch" effect, without the rough take that is super coverage paint.
-After the partial cure, I printed the little balls that feature dotted with scarlet plastisol gel paint. Using screen 32 wires with relief emulsion. About 5 peaks were given to reach a good height.
-Intermediate and final curing was performed with a thermal blower.
-The result is this very different and interesting three-dimensional effect.

Note: The common relief plastisol on water-based paint takes off, this plastisol gel did not come out even after being subjected to some washes, but tests should always be done before stamping a batch.

serigrafia silkscreen cromia plastisol relevo screenprintserigrafia silkscreen cromia plastisol relevo screenprint